Haunted by Meg Cabot

First and foremost! What is Paul doing here? My ship was sailing so smoothly then he rears his ugly, almost-boyfriend vanquishing head.
Just let them be together!!!!
I don't like you, Paul!
Now that that's out of my system.
What do you mean, Jesse is moving out?!?!
He can't. He just can't. That can't happen. I'll tell you why that can't happen. Because it would be detrimental to my ship. That's why!
Luckily, for all of us here in Jesse-Suze-land, it didn't. He stayed. Just as he should. :)
I really kind of miss Suze's annoying step-brothers in this story. Dopey has a few short bits, but that's the extent of it. To me, they're pretty much the humor of the books.
So that sucked.
But do you know what didn't suck???
That awesome fight between our delightful Jesse and the horrid loser freak Paul. Oh, yeah. Go Jesse. Kick his ass! I loved it. And it was pretty much hilarious.
I'm so glad that CeeCee now knows about Jesse, or at least, that he's a ghost. It got old that Suze couldn't even mention him. I mean, a girl needs to vent about her dead, possible boyfriend to someone right? Right?
I'm kind of sad that there is only one book left in this series. :(
I 'm thinking I might put it off for a few days, just to let that sink in.